Seven Habits of Highly Toxic Coworkers
And how to deal with them
People join companies and leave managers. It’s an axiom whose one version or the other you will spot every day. But blaming the managers for attrition is like saying Russians were responsible for Donald Trump’s 2016 win.
Agreed, they might have played a big role. But that was not the only reason for his win. Similarly, terrible bosses might be the number one reason for spooking off employees, but there are other factors too. And one of the most overlooked factor is the presence of toxic coworkers in the team.
When you are spending a third of your life at the office, the workplace environment has a tremendous impact on your wellbeing. And the workplace is all about the interactions you have with your colleagues. If your teammate reeks of negativity, your work life, and in turn, your personal life will get affected. After all, you are the average of five people you spend time with. You don’t want to be an “average toxic person.”
Toxic coworkers not only make your life difficult, they also impact the team’s performance. According to one research, the difference between the highest and the lowest-performing team is often the relationships within the team. Not a few relationships, but all of them. So it takes only one toxic employee to destroy a high-performing…