I am able to relate to your situation since I also get joy out of proving people wrong. But sometimes this attitude acts as a hindrance for effective communication. Also it might socially isolate us, since we have this urge to prove everyone wrong. I have gone to such extent, that sometimes, even though the other person is making complete sense with his/her rational arguments, I will still try to prove him/her wrong. Which would inadvertently make me a prick.
So what I have learnt out of these experiences is that, it’s better to focus on what I am doing and what I am interested in, rather than trying to prove everyone else wrong. Like the saying goes “be your best self”. By focusing on my own goals and ambitions, I can have some amount of control over my life, since I know what kind of opinions matter. I ignore opinions which I consider don’t add value to my life. This way I won’t waste time on the opinion of others, which would give me the confidence to make my own decisions and take my life in a direction where I want to head.
A good read indeed